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14 Natural Ways To Repel Bugs With Household Items

Are you tired of constantly battling pesky bugs in your home and yard? Do you want to avoid using harsh chemicals and insecticides?

Look no further! In this post, I will share 14 natural ways to repel bugs with everyday household items. Say goodbye to bug bites and hello to a pest-free environment without harming the planet or your health.

I’m going to share simple and effective solutions that will help keep those unwanted bugs at bay. 

14 Natural Ways to Repel Bugs With Household Items

Why Should You Consider Natural Options For Repelling Bugs?

When it comes to repelling bugs, natural repellents offer a range of benefits over synthetic alternatives.

People often prefer natural insect repellents. They have natural ingredients that are less likely to harm you or the environment.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates insect repellents. Many natural options they recognize as safe for use.

  • Safety: Your skin is sensitive, and chemical bug sprays can sometimes cause irritation. In contrast, natural bug sprays often use gentler ingredients.
  • Environment: Choosing natural ways to repel pests can reduce environmental impact. Natural repellents are biodegradable and less likely to contribute to pollution.

Also, natural bug sprays and repellents smell better than chemical ones. They may include many essential oils.

These oils have been proven to deter pests naturally. They don’t have the bad smells of synthetic sprays.

  • Aromas: Essential oils such as lavender, tea tree, and eucalyptus provide a pleasant aroma and naturally repel insects.

Furthermore, by opting for natural ingredients, you support sustainable practices. Many natural repellents are derived from renewable resources, aligning with eco-friendly lifestyles.

Natural bug sprays are healthier for you and your family. They also help the broader ecology.

It’s a small step. But, it can greatly reduce the prevalence of harmful chemicals in our daily lives.

14 Natural Ways to Repel Bugs With Household Items

How Lemon and Orange Peels Keep Bugs at Bay

Citrus Power: How Lemon and Orange Peels Keep Bugs at Bay

Lemons and oranges, beloved for their refreshing zing, bring more to the table than a burst of flavor. These citrus fruits wield a natural arsenal against household pests, courtesy of their aromatic peels.

In Your Garden Utilize lemon and orange peels to safeguard your plants. Simply scatter the peels around the soil to repel unwanted visitors like aphids and ants.

Around the Home

  • Windowsills: Trace your windowsills with lemon peels, leaving behind a scent that deters insects.
  • Spray Solution: Mix lemon juice with water and spray around your home for a natural bug deterrent.

Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Infused with natural properties, lemon eucalyptus oil can keep bugs at a safe distance. A few drops of this essential oil in your cleaning solution can act as a bug repellent.

Essential Oils Not just pleasant in aroma but potent in pest control:

  • Lemongrass oil: Similar to citrus, lemongrass can be used in oil form to fend off mosquitoes.

Preparation of Citrus Spray:

  1. Extract the juice of lemons or oranges.
  2. Combine with water in a spray bottle.

This spray, applied every few days, proves effective against a range of pests. Regular application is key, as the natural scent diminishes with time.

The Wonders of Vinegar: A Multi-Purpose Bug Repellent

The Wonders of Vinegar: A Multi-Purpose Bug Repellent

Vinegar, whether it’s apple cider or white, has long been celebrated for its versatility, especially when it comes to natural pest control. The primary component, acetic acid, is benign to humans but lethal to many types of insects.

For Mosquitoes: Apple cider vinegar is particularly effective. By adding it to areas of standing water on your property, you create a hostile environment for mosquito larvae.

  • Application: Simply pour apple cider vinegar into stagnant water bodies to disrupt the breeding cycle.

For Flies: DIY traps using vinegar can save your home from fruit fly invasions.

  • Trap Setup: Combine apple cider vinegar with a few drops of dish soap in a container and cover it with plastic wrap. Poke holes to attract and trap the flies.

For Ants: White vinegar can be your ally against ant trails.

  • Directions: Mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Apply it to ant trails to erase their scent trails and deter their return.

Essential Oil Blend: For a more pleasant scent and enhanced effectiveness, combine vinegar with essential oils.

Essential Oil Purpose
Tea tree oil Enhances repellency
Lavender oil Offers a soothing aroma
  • How to Mix: Add 25 drops each of tea tree and lavender oils to 1 pint of vinegar. Shake well in a spray bottle.

Remember, while vinegar is a formidable natural repellent, regular reapplication is crucial for sustained results. Use these vinegar-based solutions to keep your home and garden bug-free in a safe and natural way.

How Common Spices Can Deter Insects

Spice It Up: How Common Spices Can Deter Insects

Your kitchen contains a powerful arsenal against household pests – common spices. Their potent smells and properties can act as natural deterrents for insects without resorting to chemicals.

Cinnamon: This delightful spice is not only for baking; it’s also a natural bug repellent. Insects find the scent of cinnamon off-putting. Sprinkle cinnamon powder around areas where you suspect pests infiltrate your home.

Cayenne Pepper: An excellent insect deterrent, cayenne pepper can be used to ward off unwanted bugs. A sprinkle around your home’s entry points can act as a barrier.

Cloves: With a strong and distinctive aroma, cloves are another spice that bugs prefer to avoid. Placing whole cloves in pantry areas can help keep pests at bay.

Here’s a quick guide on how to use these spices:

Spice Method of Use
Cinnamon Sprinkle powder in affected areas.
Cayenne Spread powder near entry points and in garden patches.
Cloves Put whole cloves in small sachets and place them in drawers/pantry.

In addition to these spices, essential oils derived from them can be mixed with water and used as a spray. This disperses the odor more widely without leaving a powdery residue.

For instance, cinnamon or clove oil mixed with water provides an easy-to-apply pest control solution that can be refreshed periodically.

Coffee Grounds: An Unlikely Bug Repellent in Your Pantry

Coffee Grounds: An Unlikely Bug Repellent in Your Pantry

Coffee grounds, often disposed of post-brew, can be a valuable asset in your bug repellent arsenal. Your kitchen waste could be transformed into an effective deterrent against common pests.

Pests Repelled by Coffee Grounds:

Why They Work: The key lies in the compounds found within coffee grounds. Diterpenes, for example, have properties that disrupt insect hormones and growth patterns. Furthermore, insects might be repelled by the strong odor and acidity coffee grounds emit.

How to Use: To utilize coffee grounds against pests, consider the following simple steps:

  1. Collect: After brewing your coffee, set aside the grounds.
  2. Dry: Spread them out to dry to prevent mold.
  3. Sprinkle: Apply the dried grounds to the perimeter of areas you want to protect, such as garden beds or entryways.
  4. Alternative Use: Burn dried coffee grounds to create a mosquito-repelling smoke.

Precautions: Use coffee grounds sparingly to avoid potential negative effects on plants due to acidity.

Using Fresh and Dried Herbs to Ward Off Pests

Herbal Defenses: Using Fresh and Dried Herbs to Ward Off Pests

Your garden and home can repel insects naturally using herbs that you might already have on hand. Some herbs function as pest deterrents because their scents are unappealing to many types of insects.

Lavender: Not only is the aroma soothing to humans, but it also repels moths, fleas, and mosquitoes. Use fresh lavender around your home or keep sachets of dried lavender in your wardrobe to help keep pests away.

Eucalyptus: Known for its strong scent, eucalyptus can help to deter flies and mosquitos. You can place fresh leaves in your home or use eucalyptus essential oil in a diffuser as a repellent.

  • Peppermint: A versatile herb, peppermint emits a potent fragrance that is disliked by ants and rodents. Plant peppermint around your home’s perimeter or use peppermint oil on cotton balls as a targeted repellent.
  • Catnip: Studies have found catnip to be a powerful insect repellent. Plant it in your garden or use catnip oil for personal protection against bugs.

Mint: Aside from its culinary uses, mint is excellent at warding off insects. Consider planting mint or spreading mint leaves where pests are a problem.

  • Cedar: While not an herb, cedarwood’s oil is well-regarded for its insect-repelling properties, particularly against moths. Place cedar blocks in closets or use cedar oil in sprays.

Rosemary: This herb is particularly good at repelling a variety of insects and is well-suited for planting near your vegetable garden to help protect your plants.

Here is a simple recipe for a natural repellent spray using herbs:

Ingredient Amount
Distilled white vinegar 1 pint
Water 1 pint
Tea tree essential oil 25 drops
Lavender essential oil 25 drops

Mix all the ingredients in a spray bottle and apply to exposed skin or clothing. Remember to shake well before each use for optimal effectiveness.

Nature’s Fragrant Bug Deterrents

Essential Oils: Nature’s Fragrant Bug Deterrents

Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that have been used for centuries not just for their aromatic qualities but also for repelling insects naturally. When bugs are a concern, you can turn to various essential oils to help manage these unwelcome guests.

Citronella oil is perhaps the most well-known bug repellent. The oil, which is extracted from various species of lemongrass (Cymbopogon), is a common ingredient in insect repellent products and is especially effective against mosquitoes.

Eucalyptus oil has similarly been recognized for its insect-repellent properties. Recent infractions suggest a blend that includes eucalyptus can keep bugs at bay. Using tea tree oil in small quantities can also be helpful, known for its broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, which extends to deterring various insects.

Several other oils have been identified as natural deterrents against bugs:

  • Lavender oil: Not only soothing for humans, but its floral scent also repels mosquitoes and moths.
  • Peppermint oil: Spiders and ants are often averse to the strong scent of peppermint.
  • Lemongrass oil: Aside from its close relation to citronella, it is recommended against a wide range of flying insects.
  • Neem oil: Derived from the neem tree, it has a pungent aroma and can ward off various pests, although it is not traditionally considered an essential oil.
  • Geraniol: Found in geranium oil, this compound is effective against mosquitoes and flies.
  • Catnip oil: Studies suggest it can be more effective than DEET in repelling mosquitoes.

To make a simple natural bug repellent, follow these guidelines:

  1. Choose a base: such as water or witch hazel.
  2. Select your oils: blend different essential oils according to your needs.
  3. Properly dilute: essential oils should be diluted to safe levels, typically 10-15 drops per ounce of water/witch hazel.

Combine in a spray bottle, and shake well before each use.

Reminder: Always perform a patch test to ensure you do not have a reaction to the oils, and never apply undiluted essential oils directly to the skin.

Soap Solutions: Simple, Safe, and Effective

Soap Solutions: Simple, Safe, and Effective

When you’re looking to repel bugs in a natural way, one of the simplest and most accessible methods is utilizing a soap solution. Dish soap in particular is a versatile household item that can be highly effective against a variety of insects.

To create a basic soap insect repellent, mix:

  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of liquid dish soap
  • 1 quart of water

Pour the solution into a spray bottle and apply it directly to the affected areas where bugs are present. The soap solution works by breaking down the insects’ exoskeletons and killing them.

Not only is a soap solution safe and environmentally friendly, but it’s also cost-effective. You can use any brand of dish soap, avoiding those with added bleach or harsh chemicals. For a boost in repellency, consider adding a few drops of soybean oil to the mixture. Soybean oil contains natural compounds that insects find unappealing.

Here’s a simple table guide for making larger quantities:

Water Dish soap Soybean oil (optional)
1 pint 1 tablespoon 1 teaspoon
1 quart 2 tablespoons 2 teaspoons
1/2 gallon 4 tablespoons 1 tablespoon

Remember to shake the mixture well before each use. With a soap solution, you have an easy-to-make, gentle, yet powerful way to keep bugs at bay.

The Role of Baking Soda in Bug Control

The Role of Baking Soda in Bug Control

Baking soda, a common household item, serves multiple purposes, one of which includes the natural deterrence of various bugs and insects. You can incorporate baking soda into your pest control strategy with a few simple methods.

For Ants:

  • Mix baking soda and powdered sugar in equal parts.
  • Sprinkle the mixture in areas where you notice ant activity.
  • How it works: Ants are attracted to the sugar but will ingest the baking soda as well, which can prove fatal for them.


  • Apply a light dusting of baking soda in damp areas and along the paths where centipedes are likely to travel.
  • Target Areas: cellar, basement, bathroom.

General Insect Repellent:

Bug Type Method of Application Notes
Cockroaches Paste or powder form Often combined with a sugar attractant
Slugs Sprinkle dry powder Can dehydrate and deter these pests
Fleas Powder on carpets Vacuum after application


  • Avoid using baking soda on sensitive plants as it can cause damage.
  • Reapply after rain or cleaning as it easily washes away.

Garlic: Not Just for Vampires – Bugs Hate It Too!

Garlic: Not Just for Vampires – Bugs Hate It Too!

Garlic has earned its fame not just as a vampire deterrent in folklore, but also as an effective natural way to repel various bugs.

The strong odor emitted by garlic, particularly when it’s crushed, is attributed to its high sulfur compounds. For you, these are merely a pungent aroma, but for many insects, it’s a potent repellent.

How to Use Garlic Against Bugs:

  • Individual Cloves: Place garlic cloves around outdoor seating areas or along window sills to deter flying pests.
  • Garlic Spray: You can create a simple homemade garlic spray. Crush a few cloves, mix with water, and let it sit overnight. Strain and pour into a spray bottle to apply on affected plants.
  • Companion Planting: Integrating garlic plants in your garden can protect neighboring plants due to its natural insect-repelling properties.

Effective Against:

  • Common Pests: Garlic is effective in repelling aphids, beetles, and caterpillars among other garden pests.
  • Larger Pests: This method can also discourage deer and rabbits from nibbling on your prized plants.

Remember to replace garlic cloves regularly, as they lose potency over time when exposed to air. For maximum effect, refreshed garlic preparations ensure a continuous barrier against unwanted insects.

Whether in your garden or on your patio, embracing garlic can help you maintain a more natural and chemical-free environment.

Alcohol: A Surprising Ally Against Insects

Alcohol: A Surprising Ally Against Insects

When it comes to repelling bugs naturally, you might not immediately think of alcohol as a go-to solution. Yet, certain types of alcohol, like vodka, can be highly effective in keeping pests at bay.

Why Use Alcohol? Alcohol can be used as an insect repellent because it acts as a strong deterrent for many insects. It’s also readily available in most homes, making it a convenient option.

How to Use:

  • Vodka Spray:
    • Ingredients: Pure vodka (no additives or flavors)
    • Directions: Fill a spray bottle with vodka, and spritz it directly onto your skin or clothing. It evaporates quickly, leaving behind a layer that repels insects.

Points to Remember:

  • Safety: Use alcohol responsibly, as it is flammable.
  • Skin Sensitivity: Spot test before applying liberally on skin to avoid irritation.
  • Reapplication: Alcohol can evaporate faster than commercial repellents—reapply as needed.

Sugar and Yeast Traps: How Sweetness Can Lure and Trap Bugs

Sugar and Yeast Traps: How Sweetness Can Lure and Trap Bugs

Creating a sugar and yeast trap is an effective way to lure and detain various types of bugs, including fruit flies, gnats, and ants. These traps exploit the insects’ attraction to the scent of sweetness and fermentation.


  • 2 cups of granulated sugar
  • 2 liters of warm water
  • ½ teaspoon of yeast


  1. Mix the sugar and water. Ensure the water is warm to help dissolve the sugar and activate the yeast. Avoid using chlorinated tap water as it can inhibit the yeast’s effectiveness.
  2. Add the yeast. Stir in the yeast until fully combined. The mixture should start to froth, indicating the release of carbon dioxide (CO2).
  3. Prepare the container. Pour the mixture into an open container to effectively disperse the scent.

How It Works:

  • The yeast consumes the sugar, creating CO2 as a byproduct.
  • The emitted CO2 mimics mammalian respiration, attracting bugs that are drawn to the scent of potential food or hosts.

Set Up:

  • Place the trap in areas where bugs are prevalent.
  • Optimal locations may include kitchen counters for fruit flies and houseplant areas for gnats.
  • Check the trap regularly, and replace the mixture as needed to maintain its efficacy.

Using this method, you can intercept unwanted insects before they become a larger issue in your home.

While sugar and yeast traps are non-toxic and environmentally friendly, it’s essential to address the source of the bug infestation for a long-term solution.

The Power of Salt: A Mineral That Bugs Despise

The Power of Salt: A Mineral That Bugs Despise

Salt, scientifically known as sodium chloride, is a common household mineral that can play a role in deterring bugs. While it’s often a necessity in your diet, many insects have a less favorable view of this mineral.

When using salt to repel bugs, consider these points:

  • Create Barrier Lines: A line of salt can act as a barrier that most bugs won’t cross. This method works well on windowsills and at door thresholds.
  • Direct Application: If you find slugs in your garden, sprinkling salt directly on them can be an effective way to kill them due to its dehydrating effect. However, be cautious and use this method sparingly, as excessive salt can harm soil and plants.

Here’s a simple guide on how to use salt against common pests:

Bug Type Method
Slugs Direct application on the pest.
Ants Barrier lines at entry points.


  • Use salt in moderation, as high concentrations in the soil can be detrimental to plant health.
  • Salt is not universally effective against all pests and may not repel insects like mosquitoes.

Dryer Sheets: Not Just for Laundry - A Surprising Bug Repellent

Dryer Sheets: Not Just for Laundry – A Surprising Bug Repellent

Dryer sheets, commonly used to soften fabrics and reduce static cling, also serve a less known but equally useful purpose as bug repellents. Your typical dryer sheet contains linalool, a compound naturally found in lavender and basil, which is known to repel certain insects including mosquitoesflies, and gnats.

Using Dryer Sheets to Repel Bugs:

  • Location Placement: Place dryer sheets around outdoor spaces where you spend time to deter bugs. For example, you could tuck dryer sheets into the patio furniture or hang them from areas where bugs frequent.
  • Direct Application: Gently rub a sheet over exposed skin for a temporary repellent effect, especially useful against mosquitoes.

When using dryer sheets as a bug repellent, note that effectiveness can vary based on a number of factors including the brand of sheet and the type of insects you’re dealing with. Keep in mind the following points:

  • Not all insects: Dryer sheets are not a comprehensive repellent. Their efficacy is anecdotal and may not work on all bugs.
  • Outdoor Application: They are best used in outdoor settings. While the scent may dissuade some indoor pests, sealing entry points is a more effective method for home pest control.

Safety Precautions:

  • Avoid Over-exposure: Use with moderation to avoid skin irritation.
  • Not a Replacement: Do not rely on dryer sheets as your sole method of bug protection, especially in areas with high populations of disease-carrying insects.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Multipurpose Bug-Repelling Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Multipurpose Bug-Repelling Benefits

Apple cider vinegar is a well-known, eco-friendly solution for deterring various insects.

When dealing with pests like fruit flies and gnats, apple cider vinegar acts as an effective attractant due to its fruity scent. To create a simple yet potent trap, follow these steps:

  1. Fill a bowl with apple cider vinegar.
  2. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap.
  3. Poke small holes in the wrap to allow bugs entry.
  4. The pests are lured in by the scent and trapped.

For dealing with mosquitoes, a diluted mixture of apple cider vinegar can be applied to your skin.

Mix equal parts of water and vinegar, apply to exposed areas, but always patch-test first to prevent potential skin irritation.

Household Pests Apple Cider Vinegar Use
Fruit Flies Attractant in traps
Gnats Attractive scent, traps
Mosquitoes Skin application (diluted mixture)
Fleas Clean surfaces & pet bedding solution


When targeting fleas, apple cider vinegar provides a natural repellent. Apply a diluted solution to your pet’s bedding or use it to wipe down surfaces where fleas are common.

Remember, apple cider vinegar is mildly acidic, and while it’s safe for use around humans and pets, it’s crucial to use it cautiously to avoid any harm or discomfort.

Always test on a small area when applying directly to skin or surfaces.

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